Monday, June 15, 2020

How To Use Swimming Pool & Spa Maintenance To Desire


Before using the pool
In order to ensure the necessary hygienic conditions and proper maintenance of the swimming pool/swimming pool, the management of the swimming pool or its owner are obliged to:

  • Regular daily (minimum 30 minutes) ventilation of the room in which the pool is located. In the case of an automatic air conditioning and ventilation system in the room, it is recommended to carry out an annual certificate.
  • The house rules contain recommendations that pool users must follow (hygiene and other recommendations related to the use of the pool).
  • Appoint a person responsible for working on the pool.
  • Ensure continuous measurement of indicators: temperature, free chlorine, pH value of pool water.
  • Ensure proper operation of automatic disinfectant and pH correction devices
  • Ensure a daily change of at least 1% of the total pool water content with filling water and keep written records of the water addition regime.
  • In case the pool has not been used before, the entire flow system, including the pool, must be completely emptied, cleaned, rinsed, filled, and hyperchlorinated (instructions) for 2 hours.

During continuous use of the pool
  • Regardless of the readings on the existing automatic system, the values ​​of temperature, free chlorine, and pH values ​​must be measured once a day manually in the pool and entered in the records of the pool.
  • If the swimming pool is not equipped with automatic devices, the responsible person must ensure manual measurement of these indicators and correction of their values ​​six times a day at equal intervals from the time of opening the swimming pool, taking into account the number of pool users.
  • The area around the pool and the bottom of the pool should be cleaned at least once a day with underwater cleaners (robots), and the walls of the pool and overflow channels at least once a week.
  • The pool filter should be rinsed thoroughly at least once a week.
  • Daily records (cleaning record sheets) should be kept. The records must show what, when, and who cleans. The responsible person must ensure supervision over the execution of the cleaning plan. The monthly cleaning plan and implementation are also an integral part of the written work records.
  • The responsible person must ensure the sampling and analysis of physical, chemical, and microbiological indicators of pool water at least once a month.
  • In case of planned suspension of use or at least once a year, it is recommended to empty the pool. Before re-use, the pool should be cleaned, rinsed, refilled, and hyperchlorinated (instructions) for 2 hours.
  • It is necessary to keep daily written records of all these procedures.
For More info Click Here

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